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HomeFAQs & General InfoHow to automate 'Order Status' related queries of your Shopify store using Bot9

How to automate 'Order Status' related queries of your Shopify store using Bot9

Automate order status related queries using AI

Navigating the challenging seas of e-commerce customer service becomes smoother with our AI-powered solution designed to handle inquiries about order statuses efficiently. 

Imagine a scenario where a customer's query about the status of their purchase sets off an automated process tailored to provide quick and accurate responses. For instance, when a customer inquires, "What's the status of my order?" or requests, "Can you update me on my shipment for order #12345?", our system springs into action

Here’s how it works:

  1. Customer Inquiry: When a customer asks about the status of their order, it triggers this process.

  2. Request for Order Number: The system asks for the customer's order number.

  3. Fetching Information: Using the order number, the process retrieves information from Shopify's order system.

  4. Providing an Answer: Finally, the system converts the technical information into a simple answer about the order's status for the customer.

Setting up the ‘Custom action’:

From the sidebar menu, go to ‘Custom actions’ and click on the Create custom action button and create the following custom action:

  • Custom Action Name: FetchOrderStatusShopify

  • Request Method: GET

  • Request URL: https://{your-store-name}

  • Request Header:

    • Key: X-Shopify-Access-Token

    • Value: Enter your unique Shopify access token

  • Query String Params:

    • Key: confirmation_number

    • Value: {{confirmation_number}}

    • Description: This is the customer's order confirmation number (in this format XXXXX), provided by them. Ask for it if you don't have it. 

    • Key: status

    • Value: any

    • Description

Setting up the ‘Instruction’:

From the sidebar menu, go to ‘Manage instructions’ and click on the Create new instruction button and create the following instruction:

  • Instruction Name: Check Order Status

  • Instruction Description: When someone asks about their order status, first ask for their order number. Then, use this number to call the function that checks order status. Use the information you get to answer the customer's question.

  • Action: FetchOrderStatusShopify

Disclaimer: Before proceeding with the order status check, you must integrate a step that verifies if the customer is indeed who they claim to be. This could be as simple as asking for a piece of information only the actual buyer would know (besides the order number), like the email address used during the purchase or a verification code sent to their email or phone.

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